Excerpts from THE CIVIC REVIEW 21st December 1929
The Entertainment:
The programmes at the Civic will be the finest in all-round entertainement ever offered in either Australia or New Zealand. The very best talking pictures available on the world markets will be shown without out regard to expense, also a full musical and variety programme by expert musicians will be presented each evening.
Ted Henkel, the famous "Personality" conductor from Sydney will appear with his Stage Band and Symphony Orchestra of 30 individual soloists - a musical treat that will be absolutely without parallel in New Zealand. Fred Scholl - master musicaian from Sydney and Hollywood, will play selections on the glorious toned grand organ. The Civic Ballet of specially trained girls will be a delight at every performance, and in addition, speciality dancing and vaudeville sets of every description will be imported from overseas
The Wintergarden:
A Restaurant and Night Club Cabaret are here combined to form a most attractive diversion for Auckland, and will be open from 9.00am. Arrangements have been made by which special entertainments will be provided on stage and screen for the benefit of the large numbers who will lunch and dine here. A comprehensive a la carte menu provides a fascinating variety of delicacies for all meals. The cuisine is conducted entirely on the premises under the most modern hygienic, condition, the lhuge plant representing the latest progress in efficiency. Nothing in fact, has bee overlooked in attaining culinary perfection.
Ladies, attired in distinctive uniform, have been selected to act as hostesses to the Management. Their function is courteous attention to every need of the theatre's patrons and to this end they hav been most carefully instructed in every branch of duty which the exigencies of their service may demand. No gratuities will, of course, be asked or expected.
A magazine is published weekly, which as well as providing the programme of the performance showing and an account of the forthcoming attractions, will contain a variety of reading matter to suit all tastes. Such features as news from filmland, a section devoted to Woman's interest, humour and articles of general interest, will combine to form a most atractive publication, which can be taken home with you to read during the week. A Mail Order system has been instituted by which you may become a subscriber and have the Magazine sent to you post free.
By special arrangement with the taxi proprietors, telephones have been installed in the Foyer and Wintergarden by which patrons my 'phone free fir taxis to come to the door of the theatre.
Early Shoppers' Sessions:
Stalls: 1/-, 1/6, 2/-, 2/9.
Circle 2/-, 2/9.
Wintergarden Morning Tea Inclusive: 2/6.
Matinee De Luxe:
Same show as at night - 2.30pm
Pridce: 1/6 to 3/3
Night Prices:
De Luxe Circle (Lounge Seats) 5/6
Centre Circle (Lounge Seats) 4/6
Back Circle 3/3 and 2/9
Mezzanine Lounge Seats, 4/6 & 3/3
Back Stalls 2/9, 2/-, 1/6
Children Half Price, except on Saturday night
Patrons of the Civic have the choice of leaving their cars free of charge at the Super Service Co. Garage, next to the entrance of the American Dental Parlour, opposite the Town Hall, one minute from the theatre; or of leaving their car in charge of the special Civic Attendants in Ferguson and Elliot Streets at the side and bakc of the theatre. The Civic Free Insurance Policy covers all cars placed in the charge of the Civic Attendants.